ABS statement on cosmetic tourism

ABS welcomes call for collaboration to protect those thinking about traveling overseas for surgery.

The Association of Breast Surgery is pleased to hear the recent comments from Health Secretary, Wes Streetingabout working with international partners to improve safety for UK travellers having cosmetic surgery abroad. With cosmetic tourism on the rise, the ABS welcomes this call for collaboration.

Steven Thrush, ABS trustee, said:

"Complications of cosmetic tourism are regularly presenting to NHS clinics. The ABS is not trying to stop or discourage cosmetic tourism but ensure that individuals considering such procedures understand that complications can occur, and that NHS care will only be for acute problems and not for the cosmetic aspect, such as replacing implants. There needs to be a wider discussion on how we, as a society, address this issue."

The ABS would encourage anyone considering going abroad for cosmetic breast surgery to read its patient information Going Abroad for Cosmetic Breast Surgery? This highlights the things people should think about when deciding where to undergo surgery.