On this page, you can find information about Fellowship opportunities.
The ASiT-Mammary Fold inaugural Bursary 2025
The Mammary Fold is delighted to offer its first ever collaborative bursary with The Association of Surgeons in Training (ASiT), with the aim of providing a trainee with the funds required to further their education globally in the field of Breast Surgery. The fellowship can be used for a variety of educational purposes and are at the discretion of the Trustees.
Educational Fellowships are for a maximum of £1000 (£500 from MF + £500 from ASiT).
Possible uses of the fellowships might include:
- Visits to UK or international breast units of good standing to observe and learn new techniques or practice.
- Visits to low and middle-income (LMI) countries to experience perspectives of the management of breast disease in other areas.
- To support attendance/presentation at breast focused scientific conferences (e.g. San Antonio, ASCO, ESSO etc).
- To support attendance at recognised breast educational meetings (applicants from LMI countries may apply to attend the Association of Breast Surgeons (ABS) Conference or an ABS Course).
- Other novel or innovative educational initiatives will be considered with an appropriate and detailed application.
- Applications for fellowships will NOT be considered for examination or degree courses.
Eligibility criteria:
- Educational projects NOT otherwise funded through the usual routes (Trust study leave allocations/industry grants/Deanery etc).
- Membership of the Mammary Fold for a minimum of six months.
- Current trainee/trust grade speciality doctor working within General or Plastic surgery with a career goal of specialising in Breast surgery/Oncoplastics.
- Agreement to present a report of how the award was used, detailing what was learnt and how this applied to future practice. This will take place in the form of the main event of one of the Mammary Fold Monthly Webinars (time/date to be agreed) and will include a 45 minute presentation followed by 15 minute Q&A with the audience. This must be committed to in order to be considered for the fellowship.
- Applicants NOT awarded by ABS educational bursary or Mammary Fold Trainee Educational Fellowship previously or simultaneously.
Applications should be submitted in the following format:
- A personal statement detailing the project/initiative, the benefits you will obtain from the fellowship, and how they will translate into improving your training experience.
- Details of any other source of funding (e.g. sponsorship/scholarships) already secured for the same purpose.
- A summarised breast focused CV (two pages maximum), detailing attendance at breast meetings, conferences etc over the last two years.
- A letter of support from an independent referee/supervisor as to your suitability for this fellowship.
- A letter of invitation from the unit/institution to be visited (if applicable) showing that approval has been given for the intended programme.
- Applicants should state the amount they are applying for (up to a maximum of £1000) alongside a projected budget if numerous costs are incurred.
- Please email your applications to themammaryfold@gmail.com by 1st December 2024.
- Download the Application form here.
On behalf of the Mammary Fold, we look forward to receiving your applications and wish you luck.
The Mammary Fold Breast Trainee Educational Fellowship 2024
The Mammary Fold is delighted to offer once again its trainee focused educational fellowship with the aim of providing a trainee with the funds required to further their education globally in the field of Breast Surgery. The fellowship can be used for a variety of educational purposes and are at the discretion of the Trustees.
Educational Fellowships are for a maximum of £500 awarded twice a year (January and June).
Possible uses of the fellowships might include:
- Visits to the UK or international breast units of good standing to observe/ learn new techniques or practice
- Visits to low and middle-income countries to experience perspectives of the management of breast disease in other areas
- To support attendance/ presentation at breast focused scientific conferences (e.g. San Antonio, ASCO, ESSO etc.)
- To support attendance at recognised breast educational meetings (applicants from LMI countries may apply to attend the ABS Conference or an ABS Course)
- Other novel or innovative educational initiatives will be considered with an appropriate and detailed application
- Applications for fellowships will NOT be considered for examination or degree courses.
Eligibility criteria:
- Educational projects NOT otherwise funded through the usual routes (Trust study leave allocations/ industry grants/ Deanery etc)
- Membership of the Mammary Fold for a minimum of 6 months at the time of application.
- Current trainee / trust grade speciality doctor working within General or Plastic surgery with a career goal of specialising in Breast surgery / Oncoplastics.
- Current Executive committee members of MammaryFold are not eligible to apply.
- Agreement to present a report of how the award was used, detailing what was learnt and how this applied to future practice. This will take place in the form of the main event of one of the Mammary Fold Monthly Webinars (Time/date to be agreed) and will include a 45 minute presentation followed by 15 minute Q&A with the audience. This must be committed in order to be considered for the application.
Applications should be submitted in the following format:
- A personal statement detailing the project/ initiative and the benefits you will obtain from the fellowship and how they will translate into improving your training experience
- Details of any other source of funding (e.g. sponsorship/ scholarships) already secured for the same purpose
- A summarised breast focused CV (2 pages maximum), detailing attendance at breast meetings, conferences etc over the last 2 years
- A letter of support from an independent referee/ supervisor as to your suitability for this fellowship
- A letter of invitation from the unit/ institution to be visited, if applicable, showing that approval has been given for the intended programme
- Applicants should state the amount they are applying for (up to a maximum of £500) alongside a projected budget if numerous costs incurred
On behalf of the Mammary Fold, we look forward to receiving your applications and wish you luck.
Future tentative dates for fellowship application:
June fellowship date to be advertised from 15.05.24 to 31.07.24
January Fellowship advertised 01.11. 24; 15.12. 24 deadline, Selection by 01.02.25
You can download a list of UK Breast Fellowships